SGP Sense Greater Peace

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Ocean Chakra Harmony

Introducing this beautiful holistic therapy: Ocean Chakra Harmony

A transformative experience that combines the ancient art of Himalayan singing bowl therapy with chakra alignment, all set against the backdrop of a serene environment. Immerse yourself in the soothing sounds of nature, as seagulls, birds, and gentle waves harmonize with the powerful vibrations of the singing bowls. Singing bowl therapy with chakra alignment:

Himalayan singing bowls, also known as Tibetan singing bowls, are an ancient form of sound healing that has been used for centuries to promote relaxation, meditation, and spiritual well-being. In this therapy, you will be surrounded by various-sized bowls around your body, corresponding to the seven chakras, or energy centers. Gently the bowls will be tapped or rubbed, creating soothing vibrations and frequencies that resonate with your body's energy.

This process can help to align and balance your chakras, resulting in a deep sense of ease, peace, and healing.

Lying in the sun with the sound of seagulls, birds, and the ocean with a gentle breeze: Being in a natural environment surrounded by the sights and sounds of nature can be incredibly calming and rejuvenating. As you lie in the sun, you can absorb the warmth and energy it provides, while the gentle sound of the waves, the calls of seagulls and other birds, and the soft caress of the breeze create an atmosphere of tranquility. This immersive experience can help to reduce stress, increase mindfulness, and promote a sense of overall well-being.

Both of these experiences offer unique and powerful ways to relax, rejuvenate, and connect with yourself and your environment.

This unique combination of sound healing, chakra alignment, and natural ambiance can help to deepen your relaxation, promote emotional balance, and enhance your sense of well-being.

By incorporating the healing elements of both sound and nature, this combined treatment offers a powerful and holistic approach to relaxation and self-care.and can help to cultivate a greater sense of balance, inner peace, and emotional resilience.

If you would like to try this treatment please get in touch

Hope to see you soon, or find a sound healer near you to treat your soul.

get in touch

much love Sue xx