Join the SGP family on zoom

  • “ You are such a skilful teacher and tonight was a gift. Thank you so much xxx”

    - Sarah, Bristol

  • Somehow missed you at the end of the - painfully brilliant! - session last night...I wanted to thank you for your guidance and patience this term and to say how much I’ve been learning from you. I know I’m still a ridiculously inept novice  - I only know where my pelvis is because having two kids has totally wrecked it - but what started as a pretty casual interest in Pilates has honestly become a highlight of my week. Anyway, thanks so much again"

    Sophie, UK / Spain

  • "I am finding so much peace within myself by doing your classes, and much better able to cope with life! Thank you for being you. When we can socially distance a drink on me or a bottle to thank you for being a great teacher! "

    Alison Cox , BBC

  • "I am so grateful for you teaching me to meditate & breath work , and be inspirational. You are a very special person in my life xx"

    Alison, Bristol

  • "I just wanted to say how wonderful it is to be back doing Pilates with you. I have really missed your classes and doing them online now has become a bit of a life line for me. Not only am I love doing actual Pilates again, but it really is you that makes it, - you calming and encouraging voice in my house is amazing!!"

    Lorraine, Event Organiser

  • "Sue, my middle body feels WONDERFUL!!..... SPACE! feel mobile! Thank yoooooooo"

    Zoom user

How do Zoom classes work?

You will be sent a zoom link of your booked class so you can join the session. Have your computer set up ready in plenty of time and angle your camera so I can see you. Set up a space that is clear and appropriate for the class or classes you are doing. When we join the class there is an opportunity to say hello, go in gallery and meet your fellow class, you will then have just me on your screen for the session and sometimes one of my experienced members for you to follow if I am watching at the screen. I will watch the class as well as join in for you to follow me. My classes are very descriptive to make it very easy for you to follow and understand how it should feel in your body. Everyone is encouraged to work at their own level with a sense of curiosity and never pushing beyond what is available.Props will be introduced for support, proprioception or to challenge you. My clients say it feels like being in the room live with me. You are encouraged to ask questions and ask for support at any time you need it.

Price Increase from 1 August £12 per session or see monthly memberships