Sue Dawson Sue Dawson

888 The Lionsgate Portal

The power of the Lionsgate Portal doesn’t end on the 8th of August. While this date marks the peak of the energetic influx, we can continue to work with these transformative energies in the days and weeks that follow, allowing the insights and shifts experienced during the portal to deepen and integrate into our daily lives

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Sue Dawson Sue Dawson

The Healing Power of Sound: Vibrational Harmony

Everything in our universe is about vibration and frequency. By using sound, we can shift our vibration and elevate our frequency at will to a higher state. Sound can heal, transform, and better us, making us living vehicles of attunement to the universe.

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Sue Dawson Sue Dawson

Celebrating International Women’s Day

This blog highlights the origins of International Women's Day. It traces back to the early 20th century and acknowledges the 1908 garment workers' strike and the first observance of National Woman's Day in 1909 in the U.S., followed by the international celebration in 1911. Find out more…plus a list 12 movies to watch

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Sue Dawson Sue Dawson

The Transformative Power of Sound Baths

Step into a world where each vibration is a whisper to the soul: discover the transformative power of sound baths. Unlock a sanctuary of mental clarity and emotional balance, a harmonious journey for mind, body, and spirit. Dive deeper into this ancient practice, reimagined for the rhythm of modern life.

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Calming Practices to Sense Greater Peace

As the seasons shift and festive occasions loom on the horizon, it's crucial to remain mindful of your internal energy levels. During moments of agitation, anxiety, or overwhelm, centring yourself both physically and emotionally can swiftly restore a sense of tranquillity and balance to Sense Greater Peace. Find out more

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Pilates Sue Dawson Pilates Sue Dawson

Pilates Series

A short reflective Pilates practice for beginners.

Embrace this practice as a dance between your breath, body, and spirit. Remember, each day on the mat is a new opportunity to learn, grow, and rediscover yourself.

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Balancing the Hustle: Embracing Yin and Restorative Practices

In today's fast-paced world, many of us live with our foot perpetually on the gas pedal, always rushing, forever driven by demands. This constant state of "doing" or Yang energy can leave us drained, both physically and mentally.

To counteract this, I invite you into the world of Yin and Restorative practices. These are paths to active relaxation, focusing on the nurturing Yin energy of simply "being". Such practices soothe our frazzled nervous systems, enabling genuine healing and recovery

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Surf Series, Surfers Series Sue Dawson Surf Series, Surfers Series Sue Dawson

Surfers Series: Balance & Strength Routine

Ever felt completely centered? Like you're the core of your universe? And then, there are days when your balance feels off. It’s the dance of life – sometimes in rhythm, sometimes out of step. That’s okay. Embrace it all.

During this routine, be the observer. Celebrate your successes, but also notice the moments you wobble. Is there frustration? Elation? No judgment, just observation. Let’s aim for equanimity - accepting every wave, every high and low, just as they come.

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