Sense Greater Peace

Bespoke Restorative Treatments


SGP works in the moment to create a unique, bespoke experience for you.

Bodywork treatments

Thai Massage

Experience this delicious, fully clothed, floor-based therapy that skillfully combines soothing acupressure with rejuvenating, rhythmic stretches, effectively easing muscle tightness, improving joint mobility and calming the mind and soul.

Bespoke to your preference, designed to deeply relax or energetically uplift you. A fully body holistic experience for wellbeing

Soothe the Sole

This treatment is all about the feet, start with a beautiful soak and scrub in the copper bowl, your bowl maybe filled with flowers, herbs or fruit and enjoy a head or hand massage while your feet soak, then enjoy a treatment working on reflex / pressure points and massaging the tissues of the feet and lower legs or try, The joy of Thai Foot Massage, Reflexology and Stress Relief Massage to bring your sole and soul back to life and a spring in your step.

Movement Therapy: Release & Reset

This session is all about releasing tightness through movement, stretch and mobility, various massage techniques and pressure point releases, perfect for dealing specifically with problems areas, leaving you feeling happier and freer in your body and mind. Massage and pressure point releases for better movement and mobility,

Crowning Glory

Massage for tension release for eyes, face, scalp, neck, shoulders, arms and hands for a full experience.

Leaving you feeling relaxed and dreamy or invigorated and refreshed,

Energy work


Energy Healing for balance and healing

Sound Healing

Bespoke Sound Session to help the natural healing process using tuning forks.

Sonic Bliss

A unique experience of Breath work, Thai Massage (meridian acupressure, massage and stretches) & Himalayan Bowl Sound experience.

Chakra Harmony

A transformative experience combining the art of Breath, Himalayan Bowls and Chakra Alignment

Couples Sound Bath

Lie be still, relaxation for sensory indulgence to lose the mind and find oneself

Hot Stone Restorative Yoga

This session couples soothing restorative yoga poses with strategically placed, soothing heated basalt stones

on marma points for deep relaxation for mind, body and spirit, for individuals or couples.

Upgrade with Reiki, Sound or Meditation

bookings here

Mind Body Soul

Breath Facilitator

educating you for better breathing for holistic wellbeing. somatic and embodied breath practices for sensing greater peace, reducing stress and anxiety, managing emotions, improving posture and/or supporting you through dis-ease and helping to improve oxygen intake for cellular health.

Embodiment Coaching

Work with Sue for Embodiment Coaching and Awaken & Transform Your Life Course,

a journey towards unparalleled freedom and ease in movement and life.

Drawing on her profound expertise in somatic and kinesthetic development, Sue supports and empowers you to sense greater peace.

She addresses persistent physical discomforts, revealing the underlying emotional and mental patterns. Through her guidance, release these constraints and embrace a renewed sense of confidence and ease in your whole being, optimising performance in both professional and personal spheres.for your needs, meeting you where you are now and helping you acknowledge your blockages and unhelpful thought patterns that keep you stuck.

A supportive and insightful course to help you find confidence, direction and purpose. Bespoke to you, in the moment.

contact me to find out more

Leadership from a different perspective

do you aspire to flourish in more aspects of your life, both professionally and personally?

Work with Peter at Integral8

Sense Greater Peace