Coaching / Restorative Treatments /1-1

A Journey Towards Greater Peace

In our fast-paced world, taking time for oneself can often feel like a luxury rather than a necessity.

Yet, in the midst of our busy lives, the ancient art of healing through body and energy work offers a sanctuary—

a space to reconnect, rejuvenate, and rediscover our inner balance.

For over 33 years, I have had the privilege of working one-on-one with individuals, serving as a

body whisperer to those in need of bespoke treatments that go beyond the surface to touch the very essence of their being.

The Art of Reading Bodies

Each body tells a story, and over the years, I have honed the ability to listen and interpret these narratives through touch. It’s more than just a skill—it’s a profound connection that embodies a deep understanding of your unique needs. Whether you’re grappling with the physical manifestations of stress, experiencing chronic pain, or simply seeking a moment of peace, each session is tailored to address your specific concerns and nurture a holistic sense of well-being by harmonising the flow of energy within the body.

Our bodies hold onto stress, stories, emotions, and experiences in ways we might not even be aware of.

Through a combination of techniques, I aim to help support release these blockages,

creating an environment where healing can occur on multiple levels—physical, emotional, and energetic.

This bespoke approach ensures that every session is unique, adapting to your body’s needs and responding to its whispers.

SGP sessions are crafted to bring you closer to a state of harmony and peace.

 Sense Greater Peace, where every session is an opportunity to transform, connect, and belong.

Because here, we believe in nurturing not just the body, but the mind and soul.

  • "I have been blessed to have a 'SUE' in my life, and have been using her wide and varied talent and skill sets at various points in my life. From Pilates and reformer work, Reiki, 1:1 work, submersive group workshops to deep dive life, and Sound Baths to name a few. As a woman, we traverse a wide range of 'LIFE' and Sue has a depth of skills, movements and personal development qualities that just soothe every ounce of your mind, body and soul from tip to toe. From personal deep rooted trauma, the shifts of menopause, and just learning to love my body, Sue has been my 'go to' to help me reconnect, disconnect and sometimes just 'breathe' Life is a journey, and my journey has definitely been made all the sweeter for having this amazing woman in my life"

    Louise, Hawkersbeau Gundogs

  • "Just a note to THANK YOU for your one-to-one sessions. You have really impressed me with everything, your training style is A+, thanks again"

    Pete, Yatton, UK

  • "I never understood what it was to be me. I read that you can only find it by looking inside yourself, by truly loving who you are and where you have come from. But I didn’t know how to do that, I couldn’t quiet my mind for even a few moments, or stop the voice which told me I was worthless and useless and unlovable. This was until I started Sue’s sessions, coming to them with the open honesty of someone who just wanted to see what happened or could be achieved. Whether I cried or coughed or talked or listened while Sue played her bowls and gongs and forks, it was the profound feelings of love and worth and safety and courage and strength that I experienced in the sessions which taught me that I could feel those feelings towards myself. It wasn’t about what I said or how I explained myself, it was only about the feeling in the moment, when I had not felt good for such a long time. I have been moved to sadness by music many a time, but never to such joy and peace in myself. I wonder how many years it would have taken me to break those patterns of behaviours, or if I ever would have been free of them if I hadn’t met Sue. "

    MIss Leach, North Devon UK

    Private Sound Course

  • "Recently, I asked Sue to help me in a one-to-one session with back pain issues. The combination of various injuries and lack of sleep had led to my muscles becoming so tight I was unable to relax, leading to more pain and lack of sleep. After carefully feeling my back, Sue suggested using her tuning forks. I was a bit sceptical but willing to give it a try. The forks are quite large and give a low frequency vibration. She placed the vibrating forks on various muscles and bony prominences and assessed my response. Slowly I could feel my muscles resonating to the vibrations, then they began to relax and after a while I could feel my body humming! Within half an hour my pain levels had reduced by 80% and that night I slept well for the first time in weeks. The benefits have persisted for several weeks. If you have muscle tension that has not been amenable to other approaches, I would encourage you to try this painless, simple and side effect free treatment."

    Clare Anderson

    Tuning Fork Therapy

  • "Loved our PT session yesterday definitely put me back on track and today was a dream and found the exercises flowed really well for me especially on the single leg stretch series pushing my other leg into the shin of the other one helped me so much in the twist (obliques) no rocking in the pelvis for me today 😃😃😃👍👍👍 x"

    Mrs M

    1-1 Pilates

  • "Thank you so much for helping me feel differently x"

    Sarah Harvey


  • "Thank you Sue for yet another miracle!!!!!  The last 3 classes  on a Wednesday at Walnut Grove I have arrived with aching back, hips and knees after experiencing 14hr days looking after 4 grandchildren staying with me during their school holiday. I almost phoned to give my apologies as I felt I could not get to, or work in, the class as I was so tired but encouraged by my husband who gamely looked after the children I went.  I am so glad that I did as Sue planned  the exercises to suit my needs and I returned home a new woman and was able to do lots of baking and fun activities with the children without having discomfort or having to book an emergancy osteopath session.   Last Wednesday I arrived asking for a repeat miracle and of course Sue obliged . Today I made her task harder as the children having returned home at the weekend I thought it a good idea to spring clean their room, including reversing mattresses, arriving at class feeling my 75 years!!!!! Yet again exercises tailored to needs and my lack of energy.  I left, as usual, feeling more energised and not as tired as when I arrived and armed with an arsenal of tips on how to help yourself and maintain the body awareness that Sue teaches so well.  Thank you Sue for yet another inspiring and beneficial class! "

     Tina Griffiths 

    1-1 Pilates

  • "I've been lucky enough to be treated by some of the best in the world, and I can confidently state Sue is one of them. I've benefitted from pilates session and also sports massage treatment. Sue knows her stuff and would definitely go again. An unsung asset to the community of this lovely area"

    Jez Browning, UniSURFity

    1-1 Pilates and bodywork treatments

  • "Thank you Sue... You’re truly amazing and I can’t thank you enough for how much you’ve helped me. You make such a huge difference to so many people’s lives. "

    Sophie, Bristol

    Meditation and Coaching

  • "Sue is an amazing healer through sound therapy, her work with crystal bowls, gongs, drums and tuning forks work wonders on the mind body & soul. I had no idea of the depths that sound therapy would go, improving many aspects of my life and wellbeing. Sue s a great listener as well as having the ability to bring out things from your past with care and connection she then tailors the sessions to your needs! Everyone should give it a try it has left me feeling connected, in control & ready to move forward.”

    Jo Allum, Artist

    1-1 Sound Therapy Course

  • "Over the past few months, I’ve become the happiest, most comfortable, joyful, healthy and intuitive version of myself that I have ever been. I have forgiven myself, nursed sadness, healed wounds, shut doors, closed chapters and moved forward from my grief and anxiety and self-doubt. I’ve cleansed, burnt and scattered the ashes of my past self and am on my way to becoming the strong and fearless woman I was meant to be. No matter what you think should happen, a sound healing session will make you feel what you didn’t know you needed to feel until you realise you just needed someone to bring it out in you. Sue is the kindest, most nurturing and intuitive healer I’ve ever known and provides you with a feeling of security and support on whatever journey you’re on.


    1-1 Sound Therapy Course

  • "I went to Sue as I had problems with my back and shoulders, she then discovered problems with my hip, knee, and ankle! Thankfully after one2one tuition and hard work on my part, I'm almost fixed now. I've been an avid fan of Pilates for over 15 years now but Sue is the most competent instructor that has ever taught me. I have always enjoyed Pilates but when I was introduce to the Reformer /Stott Pilates, it has changed my posture and shape of my body."

    Lynda, North Somerset

    1-1 Pilates in person and zoom

  • "Your work on my core strength has been beneficial - I ran the Bristol 10K this year in just under 43 minutes - i.e 17 secs less than last year! And I can proudly say that I wasn't being competitive, I just ran in my comfort zone all the way round. This shows how well the body can respond when we gently train and focus on the right things. Thank you"

    John, North Somerset

    1-1 Pilates

  • "Sue has made me aware of how to use the right muscles that are our building blocks in attaining stability! And even though I would consider myself strong in certain areas, the important ones to keep me functionally performing well needed addressing. The results were outstanding"

    Drew, Bodyworker and martial arts teacher Bristol

    1-1 Pilates and movement diagnosis

  • Playing such a physical sport and dealing with lower back pain, I always found huge benefits in having pilates as part of my weekly routine with Sue. With a stronger core, I found my back pain disappeared and my body in general felt much more flexible and stronger meaning I am able to train harder. I cannot recommend Sue enough."

    Jason Woodward, Professional Rugby Player

    1-1 Pilates

  • "A HUGE thank just 8 terrific sessions, you have transformed my daughter. I just wished we had found you sooner as I'm sure we could have saved at least one of her root nerve blocks. Your clear, informative teaching has ensured she has the understanding necessary to self motivate and protect her damaged back. Not only can she light at the end of the tunnel but I can see the smile in her eyes. Thank you.. "

    Phillips x

    1-1 movement and coaching

  • "Thank you for this morning's session...believe it or not the tapping turned out to be amazing...not so much at the time but subconsciously it was making me focus my thoughts so that this afternoon when I was out walking on the hills things were becoming clearer...and seriously so...Im not joking! I was tuning to my inner resources and wasn't trying to look out there for the answers! My feelings became all seemed too simple.....and shedding the burden became a must and i centred on thinking about what my thoughts  for a best life would be... without being too melodramatic ...shedding lots of superfluous ideas! So Sue ..thank you so much for enabling this are a natural!"

    Lots of love Trish x
