2 types of breath practice to restore calm and balance

With festive holidays coming up, stress levels can rise and go through the roof.

We may find ourselves feeling tired and busy, feeling there is not enough time, all the extra workload with extra shopping, cooking, planning.

Worrying about the extra expenses,

Maybe there is extra travelling, not sleeping in your own bed, rushing to be here, there and everywhere as you feel you need to please everyone.

The pressure of going to parties or just being surrounded by extended family, some people will thrive, whilst others will feel drained from these activities.

How do you cope?

What strategies do you have in place for you?

Whatever these holidays bring and mean to you being able to work with our breath is the quickest way to access our parasympathetic nervous system (where we can heal, rest and digest ) and control our physiological, mental and emotional states.

Instead of reaching for the coffee, the glass of wine, or hiding under the duvet, you may like to try these practices and see if they help you.

Just doing 2 minute breath awareness time outs, during the day, may help you get through a tough day with a renewed sense of vigour and resilience,

Doing Meditation or breath practices, regularly, has an accumulative effect, so try to carve out a few minutes every day.

So when you really need to find more balance in challenging times, you are familiar with the practices and have your “tool box” at hand.


Practice 1

Rhythmic Breath

 Inhale fully at a slow sustainable rate, maybe count to 3 with each inhalation-the speed you count will vary from person to person, just make it yours.

Exhale fully at a slow sustainable rate, maybe count to 4 with each exhalation-the speed you count will vary from person to person, just make it yours.

Once familiar and settled with your rhythm then start to notice the pause or shift between the breaths.

Again once you get into a rhythm notice how does it feel?

The more you are aware of this pause, can you relax into that space?

Does it then change your inhale or exhale?

After a couple of minutes, come to normal breath and reflect,

How do you feel now?

Has anything shifted? Even if only slightly?

Maybe note these down and after each practice reflect over time what changes, becomes easier?



Practice 2

You may want to use this one more for the privacy of your own home though or fully go for it in a Yoga class. This practice is great for when you have some fiery energy you wish to disperse.

 Lions Breath / Simhasana Pranayama

 Is ideal for relieving tension and stress. This practice gives you a feeling of letting go through sound and the physicality of opening the throat and exhaling strongly.

Open the jaw wide and stick out your tongue letting it point downwards, open the eyes wide and exhale fully making a sound and maybe even try a roar!!!!

As you do this, feel any strong emotions like frustration, anger, resentment, stress and unsaid words, leave your body.

Do this a few times and then sit quietly, reflect, and notice, how you feel?

Notice if you feel lighter physically / emotionally /mentally or if emotions have shifted or even if blockages have been released to allow for tears or laughter!

 I hope you find this helpful, please feel free to share to anyone who you think may need it.

Wishing you stress free holidays

Love Sue xxx




Christmas, fun or dread, take a breath


Stress Free Festive Holidays