Chakras & Meditation
Chakra colours, seeds mantra and Sanskrit names
What is a chakra?
The Sanskrit word chakra means a disk or wheel. Referring to spinning energy centres that correspond to certain organs or nerve plexuses
The 7 major chakras,
While there are thousands of chakras in the body and in the auric field, there are 7 main chakras that are located along centre of the body. Please see diagram above & below for a brief description and enjoy the balancing your chakra meditation with sound bowls attached for your practice.
Chakra Meditation & Journaling
Sit with your spine lengthened but not rigid. Feel the chakras lining up, one over the other.
Place your hands on your body where you feel drawn to.
Practice A
Enjoy the meditation above, journal your experience and notice if each time you do the meditation, how your experiences may differ?
or maybe
Practice B
maybe close your eyes or look at the diagram above for visual reference
Feel and notice whatever comes up. Where do you feel it?
Does it have a colour? Strong, bold or dull, faded, sketchy? Look for words that work for you.
What sensations are present? Once you have noticed or described its presence, has it shifted in any way?
Write down your findings
When else do those feelings arise? Can you relate them to other things that happen in your day or weeks?
Maybe next time that same feeling arises you can simply tune in, by using visualisations or using your hands to touch that feeling in your body or just focus on your breath or related chakra, see what you discover.
How do they relate to the chakras? Their colours? Is there a link between the colour you feel and the representing chakra?
Remember the chakras are a system, they work together, influencing each other.
Use this as a guide to see where maybe you have excessive energy or decreased energy and where you may need support.
Enjoy the process of discovery
love Sue