Humming Into Stillness: How Bhramari Breath Awakens the 'Mmmm' of AUM
“Humming Into Stillness: How Bhramari Breath Awakens the ‘Mmmm’ of AUM”
Struggling to feel the deep resonance of AUM? Bhramari Pranayama (Humming Bee Breath) amplifies the vibration of “Mmmm,” calming the mind and deepening awareness. Discover how this simple practice enhances AUM, creating a bridge between sound, silence, and stillness.
Calming Practices to Sense Greater Peace
As the seasons shift and festive occasions loom on the horizon, it's crucial to remain mindful of your internal energy levels. During moments of agitation, anxiety, or overwhelm, centring yourself both physically and emotionally can swiftly restore a sense of tranquillity and balance to Sense Greater Peace. Find out more
Surfers Series: Balance & Strength Routine
Ever felt completely centered? Like you're the core of your universe? And then, there are days when your balance feels off. It’s the dance of life – sometimes in rhythm, sometimes out of step. That’s okay. Embrace it all.
During this routine, be the observer. Celebrate your successes, but also notice the moments you wobble. Is there frustration? Elation? No judgment, just observation. Let’s aim for equanimity - accepting every wave, every high and low, just as they come.
Stress Free Festive Holidays
Whilst some people thrive on the idea of the gatherings, the preparing of wrapping presents, shopping, parties, what you are going to wear to the parties, family lunches, office lunches and drinks etc others will feel totally overwhelmed and exhausted and wish the month away.
8 ways to help you get through the holidays
Which wolf do you feed?
An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy……..
Can you spot the wolf you feed most?
How can you use this to help you?
Being mindful to catch yourself and shifting the narrative and feeding patterns.
Menopause, stress & how we can help ourselves
Stress affects important parts of the brain, including the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and amygdella, which impact our chemical balance, e.g. hormones, which in turn impact our emotional states and the quality of the conversation between all our vital organs through the vagus nerve